Health Reboot FAQs

Human Beings are Frugivores by dietary species classification meaning that we are physiologically, anatomically and biologically not carnivores, omnivores or herbivores. Our jaw structure, intestines and visceral organs are perfectly designed to digest and metabolize fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts and seeds. We have certainly become omnivores by habit and cultural adaptation / preference but archaeological evidence has shown that the human digestive system has not changed / evolved at all for hundreds of thousands of years. The theory that was historically Hunters is exactly that, a theory, and is largely unproven.
Most tools and weapons found in archaeological digs are found to have actually been used more for foraging, cutting fruits and vegetables, for self-defence and not for hunting as is typically imagined even though hunting was an occasional ceremonial practice. Therefore, because fruits and vegetables are perfectly suited to our anatomy and physiology eating exclusively organic fruits and vegetables is the safest way we can be eating.
The primary nutrients required by the human body on a daily basis in order of most importance to lesser importance are: Oxygen, Water, Sugar / Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Enzymes and Minerals, Fats and Oils, Amino Acids (Protein), Anti-oxidants, Phytonutrients.
Organic Fruits and Vegetables, especially of the tropical and subtropical variety, contain an abundance of the above nutrients in whole fibrous form, and thus replenish you as they clean and detoxify your body.
It is a common misconception that we need animal foods to survive or even thrive. This belief is based within millennia / thousands of years of meat and animal food consumption justified by cultural tradition and habit, animal sacrifices, mythology, religion and innate primal desire. We have certainly become a species ruled and controlled by our lustful desires for food, sex and similar stimulation. Meat is nothing more than a glandular stimulant. It is a very poor source of Amino Acids (Protein) and is in fact a supplement to the Endocrine / Hormone system. It is therefore not an essential food since our body makes its own hormones from the fats / oils, amino acids and sugars / carbohydrates in the plant-based foods that we eat.
The personal unscientific ideology that we NEED meat stems from an addiction to these foods as it has been proven to create addictive pathways in the brain associated with years of consumption. These addictive pathways are near exact replicas of opioid addiction to drugs such as pain killers and heroine. Meat therefore acts simultaneously as a glandular / endocrine stimulant and pain killer. How fitting that we have become addicted to a food that provides us with an increase in purposeless willpower while at the same time perceivably numbs and reduces our suffering in this society of turmoil, struggle, abuse, manipulation, competitiveness, violence and chaos.
As was previously mentioned the human body makes protein. The human liver takes Amino Acids and methylate’s or combines them into long strings or sequences to form a larger molecule that can be integrated into the structures of the body to for example form muscles and cellular walls and cytoskeleton.
Therefore, the body requires Amino Acids in order to produce protein and not protein itself. The human gut / digestive system will attempt to reduce any protein consumed into Amino acids in any case by way of the stomach acids and enzymes produced by the stomach and pancreas. Any protein / animal flesh or food that is unsuccessfully digested in the intestines eventually ferments and rots in the gut causing inflammation and eventual holes in the lining of the intestines. This condition is known as Intestinal Hyperpermeability Syndrome or more commonly, Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Consumption of a variety of plants throughout one’s week / month will have an abundance of the 20 Amino Acids required to supply the human body with its daily needs. The body also recycles approximately 80 grams of Amino Acids, 20g more than the average daily requirement, back into the intestines every day in an effort to make up for any deficiencies in the body.
It has also been proven that an increase in protein consumption does not ‘grow’ muscle. Only exercise develops muscle strength and definition. The perception that eating excess protein in the form of animal foods causes muscles to ‘grow’ is in an illusion and in fact mostly the result of intra-muscular fat deposition. Meaning that animal foods are high in saturated fat which when consumed in excess results in the muscles swelling due to the amount of fat concentrated inside the muscles increasing.
The notion that there is too much sugar in fruit is a poor assumption and one that is not thought out very well. Fruit consists of approximately 80 – 95% water, the rest is fibre, fructose, sucrose, glucose and various other sugars, minerals, antioxidants etc.
The predominant sugar in fruit is Fructose, which is a lower energy molecule than Glucose and Sucrose or table sugar. Table sugar is a much higher energy molecule consisting of a Fructose and Glucose molecule bonded together. Because Fructose is a smaller lower energy molecule than Glucose it does not have a direct effect on the blood sugar. Instead, it travels to the liver first for methylation or modification in order to be converted to Glucose for energy.
There is certainly merit to a balanced diet, but many foods that are considered normal or suitable to human beings are in fact not suitable, and actually are very often toxic or poisonous. Most plant-based foods of the fruit, vegetable, herb, superfood, nut and seed variety, with exception, are perfectly suited to the human being. Therefore, the balance of one’s diet really comes from seasonal eating as these foods do not always grow all year round.
There are plant-based foods that are less suitable but are still consumable by human beings in the cooked form. Beans, legumes and grains are considered transition foods in this lifestyle and are not preferred as primary foods but rather as supplemental to a diet of Fruits, Vegetables, Herbs, Superfoods, Nuts and Seeds.
By consuming varying amounts of the above foods throughout the year one can meet all and more of one’s daily, weekly, monthly and annual nutritional requirements and never acquire a nutritional deficiency.
This lifestyle is the most safe and ideal for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics. The reason being that we are Frugivores meaning that we are perfectly designed to thrive on a high fruit diet.
Contrary to popular belief Diabetes is typically not caused by an excess consumption of sugar, even though binging of sugar can contribute to the development and progression of Diabetes. Rather Diabetes is actually directly caused by an excess consumption of Saturated Fat. Saturated Fat is found in animal products and because human beings don’t have a very efficient / effective cellular mechanism for utilizing fat as a source of energy, most fat consumed is stored in the body for future energy requirements in periods of fasting or as an insulator to keep us warm and protected from cold weather.
High blood sugar and Insulin Resistance are not the cause of Diabetes but rather the symptom, or the effect of the cause. The cause being an excess consumption of dietary Saturated Fat. ‘Normal’ blood cholesterol levels are never a reflection of healthy blood. In fact, you may be pre-diabetic and still have normal cholesterol. This is because when the bodily connective tissues and muscles are saturated with fat then the blood begins to deposit fat in the lining of the blood vessel wall, producing a condition known as Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the underlying cause for most kinds of Metabolic Syndrome including Diabetes, Overweight / Obesity, Hypertension / High Blood Pressure, Hypercholesterolemia / High Cholesterol, Cirrhosis and fatty liver disease. Therefore, by consuming a diet low in dietary fat and high in water and fibre you immediately remove the cause of the Diabetes and slowly reverse its continuation or progression.
Yes. There really is no such thing as Clinical Hypotension or Low Blood Pressure, the lower your blood pressure the better as long as you are not experiencing the adverse side effects of this condition i.e., postural dizziness or light headedness, fainting, fatigue, apathy, lethargy, low drive or willpower. Maintaining a low blood pressure is key to good health and is a reflection of healthy blood and blood vessel walls.
Most certainly. The fastest way to lower your blood pressure is on an exclusively plant-based lifestyle. As previously mentioned, Atherosclerosis is the cause of Metabolic
Syndrome, including High Blood Pressure, meaning once saturated fat has been removed from the diet then so has the cause. Hibiscus Flower tea can for example lower your Systolic Blood Pressure by 5 counts or 5mmHg after just one cup of tea.
Yes, although caution must be taken. Many vegetables, grains, beans and legumes in their whole form contain a very abrasive form of fibre known as a husk, or too much insoluble fibre. If consumed in excess this excess husk or insoluble fibre can further cut and injure the intestines of a Crohn’s Disease or IBD patient. The fastest way to cure these conditions is on a specialised program of liquid vegetable broth and fruit juice. Some whole fruits and leafy greens of the lettuce variety as well as occasional soaked nuts or nut milks may also be had.
Yes, you can. An Autoimmune Disease develops because foreign substances enter our blood stream and get into the connective tissues where they shouldn’t be. All substances that enter the blood stream should be of a particular molecular size, shape and consistency. Much of the world population has developed a condition called Intestinal Hyperpermeability Syndrome or Leaky Gut Syndrome due to eating a pro-inflammatory diet, eating unusual foods and consuming too many irritating substances like coffee and alcohol as well as psychological, emotional and physical / bodily stress.
This condition results in small or large holes forming in your intestines which allow undigested / foreign particulates directly into the blood stream. In cases of eczema and psoriasis for example foreign substances can directly enter the blood stream through the skin. When foreign substances enter the blood stream in a form unfamiliar to the body then the immune system launches an attack on these substances and builds a memory of them. Unfortunately, the body is often not equipped to eliminate these substances and often sequestrates or deposits them in the connective tissues / fat or organs. With continued exposure the immune system starts to react to the body’s own structures and organs that have a similar form / presentation and so over time begins to destroy the body.
This lifestyle is most suited to Autoimmune Diseases because Fruits and Vegetables with very rare exception such as food allergies, never launch an immune response and so this condition can reverse over time as the causes have largely been removed.
Yes. Cancer is the result of many years of abuse upon the body by way of acidic foods, stimulants, overcooked foods, exposure to chemicals and heavy metal compounds such as pesticides and herbicides, radiation etc.
Once the body’s source of nutrients, energy and structural components is changed from animal based to plant based the body goes through radical healing. A mostly raw, plant-based diet containing organic anti-tumour / cancer chemicals together with dry fasting and other fasting protocols will give the body the time and energy to focus on itself instead of constantly digesting and assimilating food. In this state the body can eat up these tumours as they are not considered healthy / strong cells but aberrant and disconnected from the rest of the body.
Yes. There is plenty evidence to show that a plant-based diet with all of its anti-oxidants is protective against these aggressive forms of therapy. Although Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy is considered a last resort and is extremely damaging to the body because it is non-specific to cancerous tumours meaning it doesn’t target cancer but destroys normal tissue / cells just as equally, if this form of treatment has been personally chosen then there is no better diet / lifestyle to be on during this treatment than this one.
Together with herbal medicine this lifestyle of fruits, vegetables and regular dry fasting can assist in eradicating cancer altogether.
Yes, it is very normal and common to get lower back pain during this challenge. Because the kidneys are one of the main detox organs once they start filtering more the structures in the lower back begin to change and transform which can lead to temporary weakness. When there is lower back pain, it is a sign that you need to rest more as the structures in the lower back don’t have the strength to support your spine.
Lower back pain can also be caused by binge eating as the local blood supply is going to the intestines to digest the heavy load of food nutrients so make sure your meals are small and reasonable in quantity. Remember, quality is key.
If lower back pain is experienced during a dry fast then your kidneys are taking strain. In that case break your fast with a small glass of citrus juice or fresh concentrated lemon water.
Yes, these are very common symptoms during detoxification. Headaches are especially experienced when coming off of stimulants such as coffee, Ceylon / black tea and green tea. Over many years of consuming these stimulants as well as mostly cooked / dry / dehydrated foods (potato crisps) the body becomes severely dehydrated and dependent on them to maintain proper circulation to the brain. Thus, once it has been suddenly removed from the diet it results in tension headaches. In this case hydration is very important and an emphasis should be placed on fruit juices and citrus juices – daily lemon juice is essential!
Nausea is typically a result of a thinned stomach / intestinal lining and/or poor liver function or congestion of the liver. In time this will change but while these adverse symptoms are being experienced the stomach and liver function should be supported with appropriate foods, superfoods, herbs and supplements recommended for your personal case by your Natural Medicine Doctor.
In rare cases of constant extreme nausea, it can be a complication of severe kidney disease or cancer in which case your practitioner / Doctor must be consulted.
The only exception to individuals who want to jump in the deep end are pregnant mothers. Going through radical detoxification while pregnant can be disruptive and disturbing to you and the fetus.
Yes, but it is recommended that pregnant women transition slowly and rather stick to a mucus lean lifestyle than a mucusless one during this challenge. Fasting should not be extended either but rather kept intermittent.
No. Fasting is more beneficial to the human body, mind and nervous system than not fasting. We can only go several minutes without oxygen, days without water, but we can survive weeks without food. Eating regularly is not as essential as the media and industries make it out to be. Eating has become more of a habit and a pleasurable / gratifying indulgence than a necessity. After all the old adage / saying that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is not a medical fact but actually began in the 1950’s as a Kellogg’s cereal campaign slogan directed at war veterans with anorexia and post-starvation syndrome.
Breakfast is in fact the most unimportant meal of the day, dinner being the most important. The time when your body is most efficient at healing and restructuring itself is at night while you’re asleep hence why dinner is the most important meal of the day so that your body has nutrients available in your gut to produce blood, rebuild muscle and detoxify the organs.
Fasting 12 – 18 hours every day will provide your body with a break from digesting and assimilating so that it can focus on all the other important things that need to be done.
This lifestyle challenge encourages a mostly raw fruit and vegetable-based diet therefore most of your water intake comes from your food. The media promote excessive water consumption because it benefits the plastic water bottling companies and is associated with an athletic lifestyle. Water consumption is required only in so far as you consume a lot of cooked food, because cooked food is dehydrated food and dehydrated foods make you dehydrated.
Drinking water during your dry fast will negate its potent healing effects. If your body is not looking to itself for water but instead getting it elsewhere then Autophagy will not be activated. Autophagy or Automatic Phagocytosis is the process simply put, whereby the body consumes itself for water and nutrients. The result of this is that healthy cells get stronger and weaker deformed cells get eaten up and consumed for nutrients. This process promotes stem cell production and new nerve production in the brain resulting in a physical anti-ageing effect and improved intelligence, respectively.
Nothing is good or bad, only thought makes it so. Coffee is not bad either, nothing is bad. Coffee just has a certain range of properties / effects that are not compatible with a lifestyle of predominantly fruits and vegetables. On a vegan / omnivorous diet rich in fats / oils and amino acids (protein) coffee can make you feel good, after all it is a mood enhancing central nervous system stimulant that increases the movement of serotonin and dopamine in the brain.
Coffee increases blood circulation to the brain, especially the cortex and frontal cortex thus enhancing your sense of identity and ability to process more information in a shorter period of time; it increases heart rate, warms the chest, liver and head and can be used therapeutically, but only temporarily, to treat depression, low mood, drive, spirit or willpower; it is known as a cholagogue which purges your liver and gall bladder of excess fat including alcohol and bile acids. It is important to note that the former benefits are obtained at the expense of the blood, kidneys, liver, adrenals and skin by way of irritating the kidneys and adrenals over time as it dehydrates the system and stimulates the excess release of noradrenaline. Because coffee is a stimulant it effectively steals from tomorrow for today. Meaning that it causes the body to consume more blood, fluids, minerals and vitamins etc so that the ‘high’ can be achieved.
Therefore, on a low fat, low caloric lifestyle of mostly fruits and vegetables coffee will send you into a state of depleted overdrive. It is thus not recommended to consume coffee during this challenge, unless in the form of a coffee enema which should only be done not more than once or twice at the beginning of the challenge.
Many alternatives are available in Superfood and Herb form that rebuild and strengthen the kidneys and adrenals, liver blood and heart over time.
Over years of poor dietary and lifestyle choices the intestines, and especially the colon, become clogged up with undigested / uneliminated food matter that lines the intestines and effectively creates a plug, known as mucoid plaque, preventing proper absorption and causing ongoing fermentation.
By practicing a routine of regular bowel purging one eliminates the burden this place on the body having to slowly break down and eliminate this plaque. If this plaque can be eliminated more quickly and effectively the body can focus all of its intention, energy and healing abilities on the internal organs and structures of the body thus reducing your overall detox / healing time within this lifestyle challenge.
The intestines are also the main detox organ allowing the body to dump large amounts of toxins into high fibrous stool to be eliminated out through the faeces. If the bowels are clogged and obstructed with mucoid plaque then the body will not be able to detoxify as effectively.
Yes, it is very normal. The most common cause of these symptoms is the mucoid plaque. When plant foods begin to interact with the mucoid plaque and break it down you can experience temporary healing responses where micro-organisms act on these broken-down substances producing toxins and gases. This is why regular colonics / enemas are so important for accelerated healing.
It is also normal to experience these symptoms as the lining of the intestines is healing and being rebuilt. In this case herbs and supplements can assist in the healing process so as to reduce or eliminate these side effects. Lightly massaging the abdomen and intestines can assist in accelerating the elimination and healing process.
The aims and goals of this lifestyle are many and range from the very gross material to the more mental / emotional to the more energetic, ethereal and spiritual.
Firstly, this lifestyle returns your body to its greatest point of health and strength, as we were meant to be: A healthy body is a healthy mind. After all your body is your vehicle to do what it is that you want to with this life so your body must be clean, clear, strong and resilient in order to navigate life’s challenges. A weak and deformed body will not allow you to navigate through life with confidence and strength knowing that you are achieving some kind of purpose for the betterment of your own life, the lives of others and the world we live in.
Secondly, this lifestyle uncovers all of one’s character defects, from the smallest idiosyncrasies to the biggest delusional behaviours that cause us to be dysfunctional in our own lives and as dependents, whether you’re a parent, a school teacher, a police officer or a guidance councillor. We all hold some degree of accountability and act as examples to others in positions of power, responsibility or influence. It is therefore important to constantly reflect on where we are acting out, being unreasonable or even allowing ourselves to be taken advantage of. Believe it or not this lifestyle will make you aware of these things and encourage you to change them just by being aware of them.
The third aim of this lifestyle is to heal you of past trauma. This lifestyle will uncover memories and experiences of the past that haunt your happiness. Only by becoming free of past memories and future expectations can we truly live in the moment, in bliss and happiness, hence why it is called the present, for it is a gift.
The fourth and final aim is to connect you to your Higher Self and a higher power. Only by becoming aligned with your Highest Self and the Great Self or The Creator can we discover our true purpose and love in this life. Although our spirit or soul is eternal, this physical existence is temporary, and so we must find our purpose so as to contribute to the ongoing sustainability and purity of this world, for heaven is perfect, but it exists only in the mind until it is made manifest on earth by all of us.