- Affirmation: ‘I am always expecting the best for myself. I will use this to learn, improve, better myself, and grow stronger.’
- The discomfort means you are almost there.
- We often try run away from these starting points by using unsustainable, unhealthy, self -destructive means.
- Start seeing your low points and temporary failures as starting points.
- Appreciate the architecture of your failure, so you can learn from it.
Day 18 – Complete
Day 19 – Complete
Day 20 – Complete

- Affirmation: ‘When I look into the mirror, I see myself as strong and empowered: I am a world changer, a person with purpose, a person with a calling for life.’
- Stress occurs when you make the hoice to lose your sense of humour, your ability to shift your perspective, and your belief in your own superhero powers.
- There are no stressful situations – only stressful ways of perceiving situations.
- Make the conscious choice to meet every challenge with curiosity and humour.
- The journey is more important than the destination.
Day 21 – Complete

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