DAY 18

  • Affirmation: ‘I am always expecting the best for myself. I will use this to learn, improve, better myself, and grow stronger.’
  • The discomfort means you are almost there.
  • We often try run away from these starting points by using unsustainable, unhealthy, self -destructive means.
  • Start seeing your low points and temporary failures as starting points.
  • Appreciate the architecture of your failure, so you can learn from it.

I recommend you add in 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio workouts. These cardio workouts could include:






Day 18 – Complete

DAY 19

  • Affirmation: ‘I am the architect of my life; I built its foundation and choose its contents.’
  • Take time out for meditation and identify your distractions.
  • Knowing your distractions means you can remove what swerves you off path.
Circuit 1

For beginners & intermediates

  • FFE Linear Lunge
    8 Reps, each
  • Goblet Shifts
    10 Reps, each
  • Wall Linear Isometric Hold
    10 Reps, each
Circuit 2

For the experts

  • Lateral Lunge w/ Dynamic Reach
    10 Reps, each
  • Reverse Table Top
    10 Reps, each
  • Bicycle Crunches
    10 Reps
Day 19 – Complete

DAY 20

  • Affirmation: ‘Today, I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy. I can achieve greatness.’
  • Do something today that you have been putting off forever.
  • Next time you have a mind-blowing idea for something extraordinary, write it down.

I recommend you add in 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio workouts. These cardio workouts could include:






Day 20 – Complete

DAY 21

  • Affirmation: ‘When I look into the mirror, I see myself as strong and empowered: I am a world changer, a person with purpose, a person with a calling for life.’
  • Stress occurs when you make the hoice to lose your sense of humour, your ability to shift your perspective, and your belief in your own superhero powers.
  • There are no stressful situations – only stressful ways of perceiving situations.
  • Make the conscious choice to meet every challenge with curiosity and humour.
  • The journey is more important than the destination.
Day 21 – Complete

In Conclusion

With this challenge we took an holistic approach to resetting the lifestyle choices of South Africans through the use of coconut oil and the numerous health benefits associated with it.

Coconut oil which is filled with MCT provides you with a quick source of energy that your body is able to absorb rapidly.

Giving you sustained energy for longer periods of time.