Week 1: A Week of Transitioning

We call it transitioning because we believe in moving at the pace of love. We understand that detoxing happens simply by renourishing the body and eliminating certain food groups. By flooding the body with good and pure nutrients, it allows for toxins, heavy metals, fats and parasites to be detoxed gently and naturally from the body. We always look at rebuilding, strengthening, and nourishing first. The goal is to avoid being in a deep detox mode for too long. Small detox reactions are total fine, but we don’t want to overwhelm the body and put it into a deep healing crisis.

During this phase we will offer grocery lists, easy recipes and tips and tricks to incorporate a healthier lifestyle into your routine, without the mental and emotional strain that sometimes comes with it. We know that change is challenging and that’s why you can rest assured that you won’t feel as if you are missing out on anything.

Our exciting recipes and mentorship program was developed to create a feeling of enhancement, rather than of restriction.

Meal Planner


Shopping List




Week Overview



  • Breakfast: 09:30 am
  • Tip: Struggling to stop cold turkey? slow down your coffee intake first or get an alternative, try mushroom coffee or chicory root.
  • Affirmation: ‘My Body Deserves Love and Respect.’
  • Grab your journal, write down what you want out of this challenge.
  • Research: Write down your own monologue about how you feel about your body. Be honest, this is the first step towards loving yourself.

An audio snippet of Doctor Alex Smuts, discussing points on:

Coffee & Dry Fasting

Circuit 1

For beginner & intermediates

  • Mountain Climbers
    1 min
  • Bicycle Crunches
    8 Reps, per leg
  • Band Lateral Squat Walks
    8 Reps, per leg
Circuit 2

For the experts

  • Lunge to Stabilisation
    10 Reps, per leg
  • Single-Leg Concentric Squats
    8 Reps, per leg
  • Single Leg Bucks
    10 Reps, each
Day 1 – Complete


  • Breakfast: 10:00 am
  • Your beginning the process of effectively detoxing your body from years of accumulated toxicity.
  • You are healing your digestion to effectively break down and absorb nutrients.
  • You are balancing your hormones by cleansing out toxins and hormone disruptors. You are stimulating your lymphatic system for optimal detox.
  • Affirmation: ‘Other’s opinions of my body do not affect or involve me.’
  • Grab your journal, write down what you want out of this challenge.
  • Research: Every person has a unique body, therefore, explore yourself to find out what gives YOU joy. Recognize it & write it down.

An audio snippet of Doctor Alex Smuts, discussing points on:


I recommend you add in 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio workouts. These cardio workouts could include:






Day 2 – Complete


  • Breakfast: 10:30 am
  • Tip: Fasting helps you to burn up toxins, it will also help to heal the kidneys.
  • Affirmation: ‘I love every part of myself.’
  • Your body image does not matter at this stage, what matters is what you appreciate about your body.
  • Research: Identify what you like about your body and appearance and journal it.

An audio snippet of Doctor Alex Smuts, discussing points on:


Circuit 1

For beginners & intermediates

  • Tall Side Plank Pulse
    8 Reps
  • Jumping Jacks
    30 Sec
  • Wall Leg Lowers
    8 Reps
Circuit 2

For the experts

  • Push Up to Tall Side Plank
    5 Reps, per leg
  • High Knees
    30 Sec
  • Banana Isometric Hold
    30 Sec
Day 3 – Complete


  • Breakfast: 10:30 am
  • Feeling nauseous, having headaches, and not feeling yourself is normal. These are called detox symptoms.
  • This process is called ‘transitioning’ and takes time.
  • It is dangerous to rush transitioning. When we rush, the body cannot handle it.
  • Tip: Slowly introduce fruit and veggies, ‘your scrappers & brooms’. These will assist you with detoxification.
  • Affirmation: ‘Body, I promise to love and cherish you always. I am sorry for ever being cruel to you and I ask for forgiveness.’
  • Remember: Self-esteem stems from self-acceptance.

An audio snippet of Doctor Alex Smuts, discussing points on:

Headaches & Nausea

I recommend you add in 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio workouts. These cardio workouts could include:






Day 4 – Complete


  • Breakfast: 10:30 am
  • Affirmation: ‘Accepting myself as I am right now is the first step to evolving and growing.’
  • The truth is that confidence is not something you need to acquire. It’s already inside of you. It is YOU!!
  • If you run from your fears, they will follow you.
  • If you run straight at your fears. they will get the hell out of your way.

An audio snippet of Doctor Alex Smuts, discussing points on:

Gut & Brain Health

Circuit 1

For beginners & intermediates

  • Lateral Step Down
    8 Reps
  • Goblet Squat Shifts
    6 Reps, per side
  • Bear Crawl
    8 Reps, back & forth
Circuit 2

For the experts

  • Lunge to Stabilisation
    8 Reps, per leg
  • Wall Bug
    8 Reps, per side
  • Single Leg Bucks
    8 Reps, per leg
Day 5 – Complete


  • Breakfast: 10:30 am
  • Processed foods often contain artificial additives, preservatives, stabilizers, artificial colourants and flavouring, harmful transfats, and high levels of added sugars and salts.
  • Affirmation: ‘I can accomplish anything I put my mind to, because I know that I am never alone. I let go of all excuses and embrace the life I am meant to be living.’
  • An excuse is simply a challenge that you decided has power over you. If you are serious about changing your lifestyle, you will find a way to pass all your obstacles.
  • Research: Write down all your excuses on a piece of paper, and light it.

An audio snippet of Doctor Alex Smuts, discussing points on:

Parasites in the Body

I recommend you add in 30 minutes of low-intensity cardio workouts. These cardio workouts could include:






Day 6 – Complete


  • Breakfast: 10:30 am
  • DONT STRESS EAT! When we experience toxic or stressful thoughts, it stimulates the hypothalamus in a negative way. This is the same when we eat healthy food, it affects it in a positive way
  • Affirmation: ‘When I look to others to dictates who I should be or how I should look, I reject who I am.’
  • Research: Write down five beliefs /complaints/activities/environment that are constantly bringing you down in life and then write down the specific ways in which you will immediately upgrade them.

An audio snippet of Doctor Alex Smuts, discussing points on:

Medication with Fasting

Sunday Flow

Sunday flow is all about mobility strength flow. Here, we move differently as the focus is on exploring your body. Your body is incredible and can move and adapt in so many different ways.

Movement should be free and not fixed to a certain training style. This allows you to think outside the box and try new things with your body. I’m not giving you a set of reps or time for any of these activities. I would love for you to listen to your body and move it with flow. This isn’t about being perfect, but making progress and elevating your own foundation every day.

Spend 20- 30min becoming connected with your body. Continue to celebrate you.

Day 7 – Complete

Coconut oil is a rich source of MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) which is saturated fat and may increase the number of calories you burn.